CryptoHITis a project designed to create a new generation decentralized platform for games using blockchain technologies and smart contracts based on Ethereum.
Predominantly, CryptoHIT platform will support decentralized games based on Ethereum blockchain, which are already under development – while many game studios that have nothing to do with blockchain are trying to integrate their own gaming platforms to a decentralized platform.
In addition, CryptoHIT develops financial games with special game mechanics, which allows players to earn real money and not only play for fun and pleasure. This means that each participant of the project can start receiving their return on investment in our games before CryptoHIT decentralized platform launches.
Key features of the platform:
- Miniscule commission fees.
- Exchange of virtual goods and monetization of gaming achievements for GAC tokens enables players to purchase start packages and items in other games or exchange for Ethereum and cash out.
- Multi-level incentive program for attracting players and developers, the income from which will come regardless of the games on the platform in which the player makes a payment.
- Transparent arbitration, competition, lottery, event staging and marketing systems for players and developers based on the blockchain technology.
- Easy integration of external game projects into the platform with API and SDK, eradication of fraud and cheating.
Established gaming audience lowers marketing expenditures for developers. A full-scale launch of CryptoHIT decentralized platform will help to establish strong relations between game projects integrated into the platform, as well as between the participants of the gaming community of these projects. This will make the game world brighter and all its participants richer.
How CryptoHit Galactic Credits Coin Cryptocurrency Works
CryptoHIT will allow players to start earning money while playing due to its special game mechanics. Example of the games that CryptoHIT will launch before and after the ICO respectively include the GoldMiners Game and the SmartWar Game.
Trading and interacting on the platform will happen through Galactic Credits Coins (GAC) and Utility Non-inflatable Tickets (UNITs).
In order to avoid volatility and inflation of the player’s virtual assets, the UNITs will be used to make internal payments on the platform. Players can also use the units to sell resources on exchanges that are internal to the platform or even use them to get more bonuses and benefits. The units can be easily converted into GAC tokens when a player wants to trade on cryptocurrency exchanges.
Why Invest In CryptoHit?
Investing in CryptoHIT will have numerous advantages for both players and developers. They include:
For Players:
The platform will enable gamer to make money from their gaming achievements and resources they have accumulated by exchanging of their virtual goods through the internal exchange.
Income Generation
The players can earn income by completing certain tasks that are posted by the platform or third party developers in order to assist in the game development.
Rewards will also be paid to the players. This will act as an incentive for participation on the platform.
They can also win GAC tokens by taking part in competitions or betting on other players or gaming events.
Interacting With Other Players
Through the platform, players will have an opportunity to exchange information with other players such as their current gaming achievements. The players will also have the opportunity in the management of gaming events.
For Developers:
Reduced Costs
As the platform already has an established audience, the developers don’t have to spend a lot of money on advertising their games in order to reach the target customers. The platform also charges lower commission fee on payments from the users.
Through the API, developers have the opportunity to integrate external game projects onto the platform. SDK that has been integrated into the platform will also allow developers to easily create games and deploy games
The platform will allow the game developers to be able to monitor and analytics regarding players and game statistics.
CryptoHit GAC Token ICO Details
The GAC tokens have a standard of ERC 20. They will be used by the players for transactions on the platform or on other games developed by the partners such as purchasing of characters. The tokens are ideal for trading on any of the major cryptocurrency exchanges. For purposes of ensuring that depreciation doesn’t occur, and that the tokens can be easily liquefied, there will be a maximum supply of the tokens. You can purchase GAC tokens during their pre-ICO live now.