Facebook users make millions of posts every day. Many of them have a commercial nature. However, some accounts may pose a threat. Such accounts are banned by the Facebook system. If you are connected with SMM and you want to protect yourself from being blocked, read carefully the following 10 reasons why Facebook can suspect you:
1. Fake name
Yes, it is the simplest one, but one of the most spread mistakes. Use only your real name. Otherwise, Facebook will regard you as a threat.
2. Adding a person with “bad” reputation to your ad account
Before adding someone to an advertising account, be sure to find out if this person was connected to a previously blocked business page or advertising account.
If there was the case, then do not add this person, and ask him/her to have another personal account to work with your account.
For example, if your client`s advertising account is blocked, and he/she asks to add it to your account to start advertising, then you are most likely to receive a block.
3. Limited Content Advertising
Depending on the legislation of the country where you are promoting, some products/services may be permitted, prohibited or restricted for advertising.
For example, in Russia, you cannot advertise alcohol, as it is prohibited by law. But in Japan, you can run such ads on FB or Instagram for people 20+ years old.
Be sure to read the advertising rules on FB if you intend to promote a business with limited content.
4. Sexism, ageism, racism, religious discrimination, chauvinism and other forms of discrimination
Read your advertising text carefully so that it will not offend any person. To filter information and to select words means to be tolerant towards other users of Facebook and potential clients.
5. Cloaking
This is a displaying of different content on the site page for users and search robots. It is equated to black SEO methods, as it is used to manipulate the results.
For example, a person wants to download a movie and is looking for the right site in the search. Getting on the page from the top 10, he/she discovers that this film is absent. An advertisement is placed instead of a movie description and a download link.
Sometimes ad accounts try to use this method of promoting their goods/services which is obviously no the best idea. Facebook will ban it too.
6. Too much text on the advertising image
According to the reviews, the most effective is advertising with images, the text on which is no more than 20%.
To guarantee that the ad for Facebook is well received by the audience and bring the desired results to advertisers, it is tested for the quantity of text used in it. As a result of this test, ads with an extensive amount of text in the illustrations may not be shown. Some images in ads may be exceptions. For example, it can be the covers of books, albums, as well as product images.
7. Profanity or crude humor
To be creative in your posts or ads also means to remember about censorship. Facebook will not forgive you rude jokes and inappropriate lexicon. You are banned!
8. Advertising Prohibited Materials
The first thing to do before creating an ad is to look at the Facebook advertising policies - https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads.
This is really important!
Firstly, even if you are promoting permitted products, you may violate FB rules due to the “incorrect” ad text.
Secondly, if you launched an ad with prohibited content, and it went through automatic moderation and started to work, then soon your account will be deactivated without the possibility of recovery.
Not knowing the rules does not relieve you of responsibility!
To such harmful content also refer:
- vapes
- casino
- adult
- drugs
- cryptocurrencies
- weapons
9. Crediting a large amount to the balance of an advertising account
There are 2 types of accounts in the FB:
- with a prepaid payment system: primary, you invest money into the account, and then use it
- with a postpaid payment system: primary, you develop the advertisement, and then pay for it (credit system)
If you are just beginning your advertising direction and use a prepaid system (via Qiwi or a bank card), then do not immediately put a big amount on the advertising account, since Facebook can block it.
Put a small amount of money first and spend it on advertising. And then gradually increase the budget.
10. Complaints about your ad
Users can complain about the ads that are shown to them.
The reasons why users can complain about advertising can be divided into 2 groups:
- Your ad is deceiving people / contains false information
- It is not relevant to the user
If your ad has received many complaints, then it is sent for review. And if it is confirmed that it violates the FB rules, then your account will be blocked.
Most often this happens when your ad really contains:
- The promise of an unrealistic result: income of 200% every week, lose weight by 20 kg in 1 day, etc.
- Inconsistency of the announcement of the landing page: in advertising, you say that a person can download the material for free, and on the page ask for payment;
- Insulting users or using personal characteristics: "Are you bankrupt?", "Are you overweight?"
If your advertisement doesn’t break the rules, then you don't need to worry.
No one is protected from blocking the advertising account on Facebook. It can happen to anyone.
However, you can minimize this risk by observing the advertising rules and reasons for the ban that were given in this article.